Connect with Customers & Readers with SendPulse

SendPulse is an online marketing service that allows you to connect to people in a wide number of ways. Through their platform you can send out emails, text messages, and push notifications. They offer an SMTP server service too. The service uses artificial intelligence to increase open rates. They state …


SKU Feeds – An Ecommerce Service That is Conning Customers

SKU Feeds is a British based eCommerce service that allows you to submit your shopping products to a range of shopping channels, comparison websites, and coupon websites. Your products will then be listed on multiple shopping websites. Rather than displaying an “Add to Cart” button, these websites tend to show …


The WooCommerce Customer Specific Pricing Extension

WisdmLabs are a development company that create WordPress plugins. They have released many useful solutions for the eCommerce plugin WooCommerce. One of their most interesting plugins is their Customer Specific Pricing Extension. The plugin allows you to define different prices for individual customers. There are a lot of great ways …


Enom bumps up prices again

I posted last month about ICANN increasing the prices of domain names across the net. Enom announced here that the price I pay for domains would increase from $6.95 a domain to $7.45. However, when I checked enom yesterday I noticed that I am now being charged $7.95 a domain …


Target Practice Trading

Target Practice Trading

Tech Stack: Javascript, React, MongoDB, Express, JSX/HTML and CSS In this group project, we had five days to build a stock tracking application. Three friends and I opted to modify the brief by building a cryptocurrency trading application instead. The application allows anyone to register themselves as a player and …


Great Dating WordPress Themes for 2021

Online dating is one of the most profitable niches avaiiable to internet marketers. You can make a lot of money as an affiliate, but you could potentially make more money by launching your own dating website for a specific market. When I launched my first dating affiliate website in the …